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09 February 2019

Posted by Sophie Jones

Tudor House Submitted

Today was submission day, so both our 11-14 and 15-18 year old Young Writers spent their sessions typing up their scripts for the Terrific Tudor Tours. Now they will be sent off, selected, and rehearsed by the Mayflower Youth Theatre, to be performed at Tudor House on 6th April.

For those Young Writers who submitted their scripts before the ends of the sessions, however, there were a couple of activities planned to refresh their imaginations. First, each Young Writer took three post-it notes, and wrote an everyday problem on each of them - getting out of bed on time, stopping the cat from moulting, getting picked on in class - and placed them in the centre of the table. Then each Writer took a post-it note at random and came up with a device that would solve their chosen problem. 

Two Writers solved the problem of getting out of bed in different ways. One created a bed with springs, that would launch the subject out of bed at the correct hour. The other was a bit more complicated - when the alarm goes off, slippers emerge from beneath the bed. If the occupant does not place their feet in the slippers within two minutes, the bed explodes. Another Writer solved the problem of getting picked on in class with a small device with a button that, once pushed, turns the user invisible - but if used for too long, the user may remain invisible forever. The Young Writers then wrote scripts for a short advert selling their product, with a price, tag-line, and possible side-effects.

The next activity started with a game of Exquisite Corpse, each Writer drawing a head, folding over the paper, passing it on, then drawing a body etc. We ended up with some monstrous creations, including something with a cat's head and spaghetti legs. The creations were placed in the centre of the table, and each Writer chose one to create a character for - with a name, age, darkest fear, favourite food, dream job, and place of residence. They then passed their creations on and, in pairs, wrote scenes where their characters met and interacted. These included a fight between the devil and a mouse devil, and an argument over pizza toppings.

We won't be having any sessions over half term, so we'll see you back at Mayflower Theatre on 2nd March for a joint session, 10-12, with guest writer Susan Richardson! It would be great if you could also attend her evening performance at The Art House on 1st March - more information about that event here. Looking forward to seeing you soon!


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