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17 April 2019

Re-Reading and Re-Writing

17th April

Today being our last session for a few weeks we talked about editing or ‘re-reading and re-writing’ (as described by Natalie Goldburg in her book 'Writing Down the Bones').

We did a freewrite around the theme ‘at night’ and then I invited the group to ‘re-write’ the piece as either a politician’s speech, or a lover’s plea.

This led us to talking about how trying on different styles can open our writing up to new ideas and new ways of writing.

After the break there was time to carry on with individual projects and share our work. This seems to be a new way of working that I hope to stick with, and gives writers space to start developing longer and more sustained pieces of work.

We’re all currently hooked on each new instalment from one of our writers, who’s chosen to spend time each week developing an incredible story of real intrigue 

We’re back on May 22nd - come and join us!

Feedback from this term....

Looking back to when I first started, I feel that my ability and confidence to write has definitely improved along the way.

I love the way you run the groups; they are very well structured yet feel so relaxed and flow so effortlessly. I truly lose myself completely in our sessions which does my recovery the world of good. 😌 I feel that I'm achieving something so meaningful.

I'm very excited for next term and continuing my writing journey with you and the other lovely writers I have met.


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