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20 July 2024

Posted by Susan L. Edser


The last session of the term finally caught us up, and Ali and I tried to keep it together, only occasionally sobbing in the corner of the room. We received unexpected gifts of flowers, chocolates, and notepads, for which we were extremely grateful. 

The morning was about endings, and Ali ensured we had our favourite games and exercises. After every task, we threw the Koosh ball between us, sometimes going through the alphabet and naming an animal (e.g. G for guinea pig and W for worm), other times trying to catch each other out with devious throws (sorry, Ali!).

We began with ‘Fill in Fun’ about Gloria and Tarquin saying goodbye, aided by dramatic music from Rachmaninov's Piano Concerto No. 2. One of the children was inspired by a dead rat she saw at Calshot beach the day before. This was our favourite quote of the day.

Then, the group had a chance to reflect on their experience at awful parties that they wanted to leave and practice killer exit lines. They shared their parting words with each other by enacting them as they flounced out of the door. They were all worthy of an Oscar for this one.

The Junior Writers had a few quick rounds of Hangman, including ‘amazingness’, ‘Artful Scribe’ and even the longest word in Swahili (‘Kikusikitishacho’, if you’re wondering). 

Then, treat time! Ali’s Box of Wonder (cue angelic noises from all in the room) contained cupcakes and chocolates for everyone, but they had to work for it. They first had to describe it and then were allowed to eat it, but they had to describe that experience, too. The best descriptive word, sadly, from my ‘Senses’ session a few weeks ago was… ‘nice’!

Ali shared the last words of famous people like Oscar Wilde, Queen Elizabeth I, and Marie Antoinette. The Young Writers were encouraged to think what their last words might be. They enacted them again at the ‘Door of Death’, including gems like: ‘Don’t feed the gremlins after midnight? Don’t tell me what to do!’; ‘What does this button do?’ and ‘The priceless family heirloom is in the…’

No morning session would be complete without the classic game of consequences. The photos show some of these and speak for themselves. Silly and brilliant, as always.

Finally, the Young Writers had some advice for Ali and me for the summer holiday and our lives in general. Read out one by one, we delighted in their wisdom that cleverly connected to our earlier sessions about listening to weird songs (a break-time speciality), not going to the Isle of Wight (a retirement place they had suggested for all old people), and eating the person we love so we are never parted. They always go to a grisly, dark place!

Until next time, wonderful writers… happy summer, happy writing and good luck with those competitions!


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