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Regular news and insight from our many poets, writers, educators and facilitators

10 January 2023

The top of Big Ben!

Writing for Stage and Performance (15-18
year olds) was back for its first session this Tuesday after Christmas and New Year.

We began by sharing TV shows and
movies we had watched over the break. Our answers included:

  • ‘The Christmas Invasion’ Dr Who
  • The original Star Wars trilogy.
  • The Goes Wrong show.
  • Christmas films, especially Home Alone.

We then played a game of
consequences. We each got a sheet of paper and wrote a new response to each of
the prompts below, in turn. Each time, we’d fold the paper over and pass it on,
until we had gone around and done every prompt:

  • Name, age, and job of a character.
  • Name, age, and job of a character.
  • A place (can be fictional).
  • A time (of day, of the year, in
    history etc.)
  • What the first character wants.
  • What the second character wants.
  • A line Character A says.
  • A line Character B says.
  • What happens in the end.

This led to a wonderful mix of
combinations on each paper, leading to questions like:

Why are these characters at the tip,
two minutes before midnight on New Year’s Eve?

Why is the Duke of Leicester meeting
a careers advisor at the top of Big Ben?

We then wrote the scenes based on
these suggestions, and the results were amazing! We hope to share some on the
blog soon.

We finished off by watching trailers
for two theatre plays, with clear themes, to spark inspiration for the writing
we’ll go on to do this term. What matters to you? What is damaging or important
to people living today?

/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fji1qPsk8PM)

We return next week!


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