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29 June 2022

Posted by Susmita Bhattacharya

Sports Day poems

As we come to the end of the term, most schools have their Sports Day event for the pupils. Our Junior Writers also had a sports day of sorts - online. What did we do? We came to the session wearing our sports kits, whether it was cricket, or tennis or swimming, we all had our kit on us and we wrote poems based on our favourite sports. 

Here are a couple of examples of poems from our Sports Day special! And I hope you like the screenshot of us in our sports gear. The sport I love is Book Cricket - if you don't know what that is, do look it up here!

Here are two swimming poems by Stuti:


Swimming in the Sun,

Wow! What fun,

In the pool making splashes,

Moving around doing different strokes,

Making swimmimng cool and calm,

Ice cold water,

Nice and deep I'm swimming,

Great time and memories in the pool.


'Time to rock!',

Into the water,

I'm in and all foggy,

I am Blue and I belong to Stuti,

Onto her eyes and swim swim swim,

Swim, Swim, Swim,

I am bright blue,

I get water on me,

But that's all right,

Swim, Swim, Swim

Milan's Poem

Milan posing with his cricket bat

Ansh's Haiku


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