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18 May 2024

Posted by Claire

Junior & Young Writers – Week 5 (Writers’ Inspiration) – Adventures In Space

Hi Writers,

This week we had our usual weekly check-in, played 'buzzy bees', and shared what we are reading.

Then we jetted off into space...

  • We wrote a 'wish you were here' postcard from an unknown planet

  • We chose a letter of the alphabet - and wrote a 'stream of consciousness' piece about an astronaut launching into space [using as many words as we could beginning with that letter]

  • we used famous 'tag lines' from Sci-Fi films/shows/books as starting points to a story

Star Trek: "Live Long and Prosper"

Star Wars: "May The Force Be With You"

The Terminator: "I'll Be Back"

Toy Story/Buzz Lightyear: "To Infinity, And Beyond!"

Alien: "In Space, No One Can Hear You Scream"

  • we finished the session free-writing a diary entry, told by an astronaut who had returned to Earth after a space adventure.

We had 2 great sessions, lots of interesting ideas came through.

See you next week


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