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Regular news and insight from our many poets, writers, educators and facilitators

31 January 2023

Posted by Tabby Hayward



This week, we were working on villanelles for the challenge from Young Poets Network. The young writers began by finding rhyming lines for the half-couplets they were given:

The sun is out, the sky is bright

Grass is green and tall trees sway

Too fine a day to stay inside

The winding river froths and flows

Flowers open like small books

In the rain, the colours shine

And far away a blackbird sings



The sun is out the sky is bright

So are the stars that shimmer in the night.

Grass is green and tall trees sway

The sea is blue and that is OK.

Too fine a day to stay inside

Goodbye TV I’m going outside.

The winding river froths and flows

It trickles it’s peaceful it stays it goes.

Flowers open like small books

They are interesting and have the looks.

In the rain, the colours shine

It’s so beautiful it must be a sign.

And far away a blackbird sings

Suddenly a whole flock appears.


Next, we looked at example villanelles such as Do Not Go Gentle Into This Good Night, as well as the structure template on Young Poets Network, and the young writers began to construct their own villanelles! We’re really excited to see how they turn out!



Be careful as there is no light,                                                     we need a torch to make the room shine,                             we cant see anything in sight.                                       

  It's a horrible day tonight,                                        the weathers not at all kind         Be careful as there is no light



When I see you I think of fire,

Conflict at your heart; emotions

enough to reach a sprawling spire.


With words you from a choir,

Singing from their stalls,

When I hear you I think of fire.



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