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22 June 2024

Posted by Susan L. Edser


There was treasure everywhere today, with necklaces, bracelets, and rings adorning hidden areas of the Barova room. The intrepid writers were tasked with finding it, writing about it and explaining the power it gave them. They used literal and metaphorical descriptions, and the powers included invisibility, a necklace that finds your true love, and even revealing a sun god. The Young Writers were given a harder task: to find gemstones within a written story. 

The musical intermission for the Junior Writers was Taylor Swift’s Shake It Off, and some of us had a little dance. The Young Writers chose the chicken song (look it up; it’s brilliant).

Ali then encouraged the group to think about when they had found treasure, and they shared stories about finding money, rings and a fossil. The next writing exercise was to create a story in the spirit of The Famous Five. They were imaginative as always, with protagonists in outer space, at the beach and in a jewel-encrusted cave. The treasure included an iPhone 15 and eating a chest of coins.

The final fun today was a Frankenstein-style writing game. Everyone wrote one sentence on a piece of paper and gave it to the person on their right until everyone had written a line. The simple stories were quick, silly, and surprising as new-found treasure!


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