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22 November 2022

Flamingo vs God

Welcome back to the blog for ArtfulScribe’s writing group for 15-18 year olds, Writing for Stage and Performance.


This Tuesday’s session began with the following prompts:

Freewrite for 5 minutes starting with the line ‘She said it was my fault’.

Freewrite dialogue for 5 minutes starting with the line ‘Why are you wearing that?’

Our responses included: a girl mauling her dress into shreds with a knife, and a flamingo being questioned on his choice of pink feathers the day God made animals.

Follow the ‘I’m a Writer Get me out of Here!’ prompt, pictured above, to write a scene between two characters. By the end, one of them must be dead.

Next, pick a few things that come to mind when you think of these genres:

  • Horror
  • Sci-fi
  • Thriller
  • Rom-com

Bring your dead character back to life – Freewrite a new scene for 10 minutes in one of the above genres.

Our responses included horror, and oddly enough, two of us going with the same double bluff: a rom-com turned thriller.

Respond to the following prompts with 3 words each.

  • Things that frighten me
  • Things that annoy me
  • Things that give me hope

Choose whichever word makes you have the biggest reaction and ask yourself, if there was a play about this, what genre would it be?


Writing for Stage and Performance will return next week!

If you’d like to join in, go to ‘Engage’ at mayflowerstudios.org.uk and book on for free.

Was this blog helpful to follow along to? Let us know @artfulscribeuk


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