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12 March 2023

Posted by Issa Farrah

Breaking News!!!

Good afternoon,

This is the news from MAST Mayflower Studios, I'm Issa Farrah, reporting live from MAST Studios, Southampton.

The Mayflower Junior and Young writers performed a showcase of their poetry & collaborative writing as part of the ArtfulScribe Community Showcase for LIT FEST 2023 on Sunday 12th March 2023.

The V.I.Ps (Very Important Poets) were introduced on stage by their agent, and manager, lead facilitator Anna.

Before their performance, the V.I.P's security team (also called Issa) had to escort the Very Important Poets through MAST to Studio 2 very quickly as they were mobbed by adoring parents and fans.

Sadly the V.I.Ps had to refuse autographs, because their hands were tired from writing so much during Saturday sessions!

The Mayflower Junior and Young writers did a great collaborative performance piece called 'Breaking News' to the tune of the official BBC News theme!! The audience were wowed, shocked and in awe of these first-time performers. Everyone gave it their all and we're truly proud of the group members supporting each other in their creative expression.

Please stand by for further updates, photos and videos from the scenes and further writing activity at MAST Mayflower Studios.

Issa Farrah signing off.


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