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07 February 2023

Rambert's Peaky Blinders

This Tuesday’s session of Writing for Stage began with a discussion about an ArtfulScribe showcase on the 12th March which the young writers have the chance to perform at.

We then read out our cut down scenes from the final activity of last week’s session.

We then re-played a game of consequences we enjoyed earlier this term. We each got a sheet of paper and wrote a new response to each of the prompts below, in turn. Each time, we’d fold the paper over and pass it on, until we had gone around and done every prompt:

  • Name, age, and job of a character.
  • Name, age, and job of a character.
  • A place (can be fictional).
  • A time (of day, of the year, in
  • history etc.)
  • What the first character wants.
  • What the second character wants.
  • A line Character A says.
  • A line Character B says.
  • What happens in the end.

The group nominated Dominic's writing as an example of what we came up with through this activity (see below).

After the session, we watched Rambert's Peaky Blinders at Mayflower Theatre.


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