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Regular news and insight from our many poets, writers, educators and facilitators

05 March 2024

Posted by By Carla Hall


On Tuesday 5th March the Mayflower Creative Writers gathered at MAST Mayflower Studios for their final session before LIT FEST 2024.

Holly asked the group to write Haikus, using the book we’re currently reading as the title. Every writer shared their 5-7-5’s with confidence. Each Haiku perfectly captured the essence of their current reads, some writers used direct phrases whilst others repeated words in every line for effect. 

Using Rob Auton’s Climbing Up Your Own Life Before You Die as inspiration, Holly asked the writers to recall every book they’ve ever read. Despite the behemoth task, the writers were quick to share their childhood favourites with each other. The most common titles were:

  • Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

  • We’re Going on a Bear Hunt

  • The Gruffalo

  • Mr. Men

The next task was to group the list of books into three categories. Books that made me cry. Books I only read to try and be cool. Books that made me ache. Books that made me fall in love

Which of your books is the hero of your story? Which of your books is the caregiver/mentor? Which of these books is your lover? Which one of these books is your bully?

The final task was to make their own version of Rob Auton’s poem.


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