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02 November 2021

Posted by Tabby Hayward


This week we were looking at stories, poems and descriptions about fireworks and bonfire night!

We started by listening by Handel's 'Music for the Royal Fireworks' as inspiration, writing down words, phrases and images which it inspired.

Next, the group were tasked with writing a short poem about fireworks, without using any stereotypical fireworks-words - 'sparkle', 'bright', 'explosion', 'bang' and 'colourful' were all banned, forcing our young writers to think outside the box!

Here is Leo's lovely poem, with some very imaginative similes:

Like rabbits bouncing away,
like water spilling,
from a glass
from a bucket. 

Like mordents ending hastily,
like trills lasting longer,
from one note to
another and back again.

 Like droplets splashing,
like sand piling,
drops on tarmac splitting
instantly, like…

 … like a firework bursting
in the clear night sky.

The next challenge was to write a story where a dramatic event
happens at a fireworks/bonfire night!

Could be… a murder, someone gets lost, someone falls in
love, someone gets kidnapped (by aliens?), someone finds someone/something very
important, someone loses something very important…

The group were challenged to think about how to describe the atmosphere at the bonfire
night – what you can see, what you can hear, what you can smell, what you can
taste, what you can feel.

Here are two very different bonfire-night stories, from Safir and an anonymous writer!

screams were screamed in the free space in the city centre.
Demon Drake appears from the fireworks and chaos is made.


An orb is made on the floor and Justin Timberlake is

"You were my sun, you were my Earth..." He sings
as he uses gestures and Brainwash people near him.

Chatastrophe was in the air and old grannys were break
dancing on Cry me a river.

"You don't have to say, what you did

I already know, I found out from him" (Tabby you don't
have to sing this lol)

A granny beat boxed out and started to dance intensely.

"That's enough songs sold today, guess it's the day
Drake. Lets go back home."

"Justin Timberlake, I de-summon you and I"

They both leave and everyone triumphs with more fireworks.

"Now there's just no chance
For you and me
There'll never be
And don't it make you sad about it?"

Hey why are you still singing that? HUSH!            BY SAFIR

On an old damp track by the River Ix and opposite the city
of Antares, Sariel sat on a fallen log and watched the fireworks. The moons
shone in silver and copper on the river, with streaks of red and silver being
launched from Antares. All across the valley orange pricks of light could be
seen, billowing smoke rising into the sky and blotching the blue and purple
nebula above in grey.

Sariel pulled out a flask of Tepuk tea and some Pohff bread
she had prepared specifically for this occasion. It was tradition to do so,
apparently, Harvest Festival and all. It was as she was about to take a swig of
the Tepuk tea that she noticed something on the river Ix.

She dismissed it for a trading town from the south, or maybe
Telomer city visiting Antares for the festival. But no, too small for either,
not floating, but wading.

A Stalker.


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