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08 February 2022

Posted by Hannah Barnes

A Flock of Words

The evening sky out my window, unclouded

Unmarred as the fresh white of my page

My mind’s fingers have clutched inspiration

Borne of passion, of fear or of rage

The scritch-scratch of my pen is my melody

My beat the tick-tock of the clock

As I scrawl my ideas in black biro

Words gathering like birds in a flock

My page fills up just as the sky does

My ideas, like the dusk, brought to life

And I wonder what caused them to take wing

Is their flight, like my rhymes, sparked by strife?

But true beauty is found in their movement

And I hope that I might find it too

As I try to channel the struggles of life

Into something creative and new

The birds will eventually settle

My imagination will start to wear thin

They will roost as I appraise with a critical eye

Finding peace as I find mine within.

Photo by Mehdi Sepehri on Unsplash


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