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12 November 2022

Posted by Holly Spillar and Rohan Gotobed

Pokemon Cards and Spooky Plays

12th November - Junior Writers

Today our junior writers became junior POKÉMON TRAINERS as we continued our ghostly theme this term. After being given templates to create their own Pokémon cards they each came up with names and moves for new ghost type Pokémon drawing them on the cards and writing about how they use their powers.

We had a bell pokemon that can make anything jingle, a caterpillar throwing boulders, a maige who could shape-shift and eat magic to get stronger and lots more crazy ideas!

Once the trainers each had an idea for a Pokémon it was time to bring them to life

 using the magic powers of CRAFT!

A basket of pompoms, googly eyes and pipe cleaners became a Dr Frankenstine tool kit for chaotic creation and the Pokémon born from this artistic chaos were fiercely powerful beings! 

At the end of the hour the Junior Pokémon trainers presented their Ghost Pokémon to the group. Here are some photos of the all power Junior Writer Pokemon Party! 


12th November - young writers

This week we could be found in Function Room 4. A windowless room deep within the heart of Lighthouse. A mysterious room where supernatural goings-on have been reported for years. What could possibly go wrong?

We began both sessions with a new warm-up game: scattergories. Like the game you play at Christmas, we chose a letter from the alphabet, and then the Young Writers had to find examples for five different categories of things with that same letter. These included living celebrities, mythical creatures, holiday destinations, things you’d find in a theatre, as well as scary places (no one said Function Room 4). Some great answers came through, as always.

Next up we began on our main activity of the week, continuing our strand on ghost stories. We split the Young Writers into different groups (4 for the 11-14s, 3 for the 15-18s), giving each group a different part of FR4 to explore. The groups could come up with an idea for a story, make a short play, or write in response to the room. Sadly no photos of the room survive, but mysterious doors captured our writers’ attention (who could be trapped on the other side), as well as mirror (maybe there are policemen on the other side?) and an ironing board (what if an old woman used this ironing board in a hospital?) The groups each shared back their ideas and they were terrifying to say the least. We can’t wait to develop them further next week! 

For those aged 16+ we recommend looking at Pentabus’ online Young Writers programme, which closes applications in December and starts on Monday evenings from the New Year. Link here: 


We’re also looking ahead to sharing our ghost stories on 3rd December and then seeing Cinderella at Lighthouse on the 10th!


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