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19 July 2023

Posted by Lyndsey H Greer

A Journey Home

A journey taken, walked, run, driven …. crawled,


A harbour arrival allows for a deeper breath, releasing tension and I give thanks.


The ferry appears, a constant, faithful friend and I give thanks.


Take me home I cry, the relief abundant as a layer is shed, the tension breaks and I give thanks.


A smooth crossing, the mountains in the distance, a familiar sight of home; strong, constant, waiting, beckoning and I give thanks.


The still calm waters of the Loch, deep, unmoving, and yet ever changing, supporting the challenges of life, I could lose myself in it, echoing my heartbeat as it slows, relaxes and I give thanks.


The skein of geese spread out across the sky, messengers of homecoming, wings beat in time with my rhythm, beckon me onward and I give thanks.


The welcoming fire burning brightly. Warmth, home, hearth, journeys end, I breathe, and I give thanks. 


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