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Regular news and insight from our many poets, writers, educators and facilitators

08 July 2023

Ocean at the End of the Lane

The last session of Writing for Stage this term took place
in person at MAST Mayflower Studios on Saturday, and was followed up by a trip
to Mayflower Theatre to watch the matinee of ‘Ocean at the End of the Lane’.

Our first task to write a monologue from the perspective of
someone stood in the rain. We then introduced a second character who revealed
news to them. Our scenes included:

We then did one of our favourite games, where we write a
response to each of the prompts below, on pieces of paper that we fold and pass
on, in turn:

  • Name, age, and job of a character.
  • A place (can be fictional).
  • A time (of day, of the year, in
  • history etc.)
  • What the first character wants.
  • What the second character wants.
  • A line Character A says.
  • A line Character B says.
  • What happens in the end.

We then turn the random selection of elements we receive into
a scene. On this occasion, we flipped our sheet around, splitting it into Act
1, Act 2, and Act 3, and jotted down our ideas first.

Under Act 1, we came up with all the things we would like to
set up in the play: the time, who the main character is etc.

Under Act 2, we invented the obstacles that might get in the
way of the characters getting what they want, and cool moments we could think
of from what we’d been given.

Under Act 3, we wrote what lesson will be learnt, if any,
how the relationships will have changed, and the final image.

Then, we had 15 minutes to write our scene.

Writing for Stage returns in the autumn.


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