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03 September 2022

Posted by Holly Spillar and Rohan Gotobed

Welcome Junior Writers! - Monster Food Poems and the Origin of Names

Junior Writers 7-10 - 03/03/22

Macaroni Monsters and Other Food Poems  

This week we welcomed our 7-10 Junior Writers to the Lighthouse for the first time! We were so excited to meet them and they’ve already proved themselves to be a very talented bunch.

We kicked off our sessions with a short tour of Lighthouse from the lovely Mollie who showed our new writers the backstage area, gallery and theaters.

Our 1st writing task of the term poetry based and all about FOOD!

1st our writers had to create a descriptive word bank to describe their favorite food and write a short poem about why it’s the best, written from the point of view of the food!

After they had written their food poems the writers were tasked with drawing and reimagining the tasty treats as MONSTERS. Using parts of their original poem the writers had to imagine how the food monster would move and speak and what its monster master plan was. When the monsters had been created new poems were written about the food monsters and their evil antics.

Here are some of our monster food drawings and poems!

Burger Monster

With my brows of bacon,

And my burnt sausage eyes,

Your food will be taken 

And be your demise

Tomato sauce slip ‘n slide

I’ve got massive meat

So you better hide!

By Bay

Macaroni Monster

My Minions will crush your city

You’ll lie down and pity

We’ll take you away 

And my minions will play

Their playground is your deathground!

All you will know is Macaroni Monster.


  • By Flo

Pizza Pepperoni Guy

I am Pizza Pepperoni Guy

And I’ve come to steal revenge

On people who have been bad to me

And soon they will kneel before me

Pizza Pepperoni Guy!

  • Freya 

The Lemon Shadow 

Who sneaks around the seaside at night?

Who likes to give chocolate ice cream a fright?

I’m the Lemon Shadow!

I attack with my cone

I make all ice cream shops my home

But what is my greatest ambition in life?

To rule all the ice cream shops and give you all a fright!

By Isabelle 

We can’t wait to see our junior writers again next week and hopefully welcome even more members to this new group!

Young Writers 11-15

This was our first week back after the summer holidays and the perfect way to start the Autumn term. Every young writer received a brand-new notebook and pen, theirs for the year, and were taken on a backstage tour by Mollie from Lighthouse. We got to explore the art gallery, hear about the foyer’s formidable speaking clock, and set foot onstage for the first time. This first-hand knowledge of the building will come in very useful later this term.

In the meantime, we played a few games to get to know each other as a group. In pairs, the young writers talked about the stories behind their names, which their partner then adapted to create a short story or poem. It was lovely to hear these stories and discover who was named after a dancer on Strictly and whose family were originally blacksmiths. We also played ‘Two Truths, One Lie’, from which we learned about people’s pets, holidays, eccentric family members, and that Grace once appeared in the Daily Telegraph without her knowledge.

To finish off a bumper morning, we made lists of things that scare us, make us angry, make us laugh, and began thinking about some of the things we can write about over the next year. 

Next week we’ll be pitching our movie ideas to Miss Holly Wood!

Recommendations from the Room: Prima Facie (Play), Stranger Things (TV), the Percy Jackson series (Book)


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