04 December 2024
ArtfulScribe and author AJ Hardingson are inviting people from under-served ethnic communities living and working in the New Forest to join a focus group and talk about what cultural activities they want to see, and participate in, in their local area - encompassing theatre, music, dance, poetry, spoken word, art and more.
This hour-long focus group will mix free discussion with workshop-style activities.
There are two focus group sessions available:
Thursday 12th December - 12:00-13:00 - Fluid Motion Creative Hub, Totton
Tuesday 17th December - 19:30-20:30 - Online
The aim of the focus group is to gather the views and opinions of under-served ethnic groups with a hope to connect, in particular, with people from the Black, Asian, Romany, Traveller and Eastern European communities.
Information collected at the focus group will be combined with data from our online survey (https://uk.culturecounts.cc/s/3kMRw2), to be compiled into a report delivered to ArtfulScribe and other New Forest cultural stakeholders to influence programming in 2025.
For the In-Person session, register here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/ethnic-diversity-focus-group-arts-and-culture-in-the-new-forest-totton-tickets-1091183371839?aff=oddtdtcreator
For the Online session, register here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/ethnic-diversity-focus-group-arts-and-culture-in-the-new-forest-online-tickets-1091188848219?aff=oddtdtcreator
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