
Writing as Spiritual Practice (in person)

24 September 2024

10am - 12 noon

ArtfulScribe director, Matt West, invites a soulful opportunity to slow down and gather in community as we explore, discuss, create, witness, and share writing that opens towards a deeper sense of Self and its connection with a broader network of Being
Block booking and Single Booking options available.
Running time: 2 hours.
'We are rich not through the things we own but through the relationships that nourish our soul.' Frederic Laloux
Mary Oliver, Hafez, Simone Weil, Rumi, Robin Waller-Kimmerer, Joanna Macey, William Blake, Julian of Norwich, Meister Eckhart, Rainer Maria Rilke, Charles Eisenstein, Rabrindraneth Tagore, Lao Tzu, Kathleen Jamie, Gary Snyder, Jack Cornfield, Pema Chödrön, Thomas Merton, Jane Hirschfield, Tara Brach, Gregory Boyle, Marcus Aurelius, David Whyte and Julia Kristeva are just some of the writers who come to mind with a capacity to engage something beyond the thinking, rational mind and connect in ways that move beyond language.
If you're interested in the fundamental question, who am i, this will be a welcoming space for you. You don't need to think of yourself as a writer - there'll be no tests on spelling, grammar and punctuation - but it will be helpful to come with curiousity about what it means to be whole.
We'll use these sessions to carve out time to read, write, listen, share and connect in an open-hearted way about what it means to be human and the experiences we witness that touch us deeply, using prompts and texts from writers who can act as guides, shedding light on the path ahead. We won't be in a hurry to get anywhere - this isn't an outcome-driven course - and there won't be any pressure to share. We'll engage with sacred writing, if it feels right to do so, from a range of wisdom traditions from around the world.
We'll include nature writing, philosophy, and poetry - if it opens a door, why nail it shut - and see what resonates - co-creating future sessions based on group feedback and interests.
These sessions will happen every other week, online and in-person, to encourage connection.

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